Welcome to myLIT
Login Instructions
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have completed DUO enrollment PRIOR to using the following login methods.
For help setting up DUO, follow the instructions outlined here.
If you have any further questions about DUO, please refer to the DUO FAQ or call our helpdesk at (409) 839-2074
If you are apart of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) program, please visit the TDCJ Portal in order to login. If you have any question reguarding DUO or account access, call our helpdesk at (409) 839-2074
Employees will sign in with their Username@lit.edu
Students will sign in using their Tnumber@my.lit.edu
Click on the box above for a visual example
To access myLIT on mobile devices, click the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the page to access the "Sign In" button.
Employees & Alumni
Use your username in the format: username@lit.edu

Use your T-number in the format: Tnumber@my.lit.edu